The first alleged to have emerged from the back of iPad third The back indicates that Apple will make the new generation iPad changes the display, the logic board and the camera system. Now on this day once again a part of the new iPad appeared. The Japanese website Macotakara allegedly a high-resolution retinal display have received, which is thought most likely for the iPad third.
The display has 9.7 inches still have the same size as the current iPad 2 The display showed, however, including several differences in the wiring to the iPad 2 The new display does not like the current iPad 2 display two, but three compounds, viz.
According to the Macotakara it will display a screen from Sharp XQGA act. The display could have a resolution of 2048 x 1536 pixels, and thus would get the iPad 3 actually donated a high-resolution display Retima by the company from Cupertino. It can really only a matter of few weeks until the Apple iPad 3 will present officially to the public.